Two Former Prosecutors On Your Side.

More Than 60 Combined Years Of Experience In Serving The Legal Needs Of People Throughout Northern California.

Despite national decline, California traffic deaths on the rise

In 2011, the number of fatal collisions nationwide dropped to its lowest point in over 60 years. According to federal transportation data, 32,367 people were killed in traffic accidents in 2011. This figure represents a 1.9 percent decrease from 2010. Although the federal figures are on the decline, not all states are experiencing individual declines. In fact, only 36 states have experienced a decrease in fatal automobile collisions.

In addition, despite the national decrease in fatal collisions, pedestrian fatalities nationwide have increased three percent in 2011, pedal-cyclist fatalities have increased by 8.7 percent and motorcyclist fatalities have increased by 14 percent.

Fatal traffic accidents on the rise in California

Contrary to the federal trend, California has actually experienced a 2.6 percent increase. In 2011, California was home to 2,791 fatal traffic accidents. This figure makes California the state with the second largest amount of automobile fatalities, just behind Texas, which had 3,023 automobile fatalities.

Moreover, pedestrian fatalities continue to be a big problem in California. A recent study concluded that in Los Angeles, pedestrians accounted for approximately one-third of all traffic fatalities. This startling statistic is nearly triple the national average.

Fortunately, cities such as Los Angeles have begun focusing on pedestrian safety. For instance, the Los Angeles Department of Transportation recently hired a pedestrian coordinator whose primary responsibility is to improve public conditions for pedestrians. Some of the conditions include lighting, crosswalks, signaling and signage.

Financial recovery for accident victims

Also known as compensatory damages, economic automobile accident damages are used to compensate injured car crash victims for their monetary losses. The most common types of damages awarded are for current medical expenses, future medical expenses, lost wages, and loss of earning capacity.

Accident victims may also be awarded non-economic damages, which compensate them for non-monetary losses. Although such losses are usually more difficult to assess, there are several different categories that may be considered. The most typical types of non-monetary losses include pain and suffering, mental anguish and loss of consortium. Loss of consortium occurs when the uninjured spouse is able to recover damages for the loss of marital benefits, such as sexual relations, affection and companionship.

Ensure financial security for families

Automobile accidents can have a detrimental affect not only on the injured party, but also on their family. Not only can accident victims incur large medical bills, they may also be out of work due to their injuries. If you or your family member has been a victim of an automobile accident, it is wise to seek out an experienced personal injury attorney who can discuss available options with you .