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Road safety the focus of a new plan in Napa

On Behalf of | Aug 10, 2022 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

Napa Valley and the surrounding areas have experienced a sharp rise in motor vehicles. In response, the Napa City Council is in the process of assessing a Local Roadway Safety Plan. The objective is to look at the current dangers, find solutions and implement them. Successful safety measures can help everyone. However, it is still imperative to know the risks and be fully aware of what can be done after injuries and loss of life in an accident.

Statistics from 2016 to 2020 form the basis of the plan of action

The report looks at accidents in the area from 2016 to 2020. It is an all-encompassing study into which areas were the worst for accidents, the type of crashes that happened and what can be done to prevent them. Napa had more than 1,200 accidents in that time-frame. Five percent led to severe injuries; 1% resulted in a fatality.

More than 800 residents commented about potential safety issues. The top three concerns related to vehicles traveling at excessive speed; risk to bicyclists and pedestrians; and dangers at intersections. In the plan, these issues will be addressed. Other factors mentioned were drivers who are under the influence, younger drivers, rear-end accidents and accidents at night.

Seventy-eight percent of accidents in Napa for the duration of the study happened in intersections. Educating people on the fundamentals of intersection safety and the law is expected to be a key part of the plan. The primary step for enhanced safety is how roads are engineered.

For example, one intersection that is known to be a hotbed for accidents would have better markings at the intersection and changes to the signal timing for when people cross. Bicycle safety advocates lament the lack of initiatives for riders. There is also set to be an update of the “traffic calming guidelines” that were written in 2005.

Even with safety initiatives, auto accidents will always be a worry

Even with this report and the seriousness with which is it being treated, the possibility of an auto accident will always be worrisome. This means that people will be injured and lose their lives. With that, there will be medical costs, lost income, emotional trauma, extended financial concerns and more.

Auto accidents should be investigated to determine their cause. This can be integral with pursuing a claim. Calling experienced professionals who understand both sides of a case, are familiar with the area, are confident and detail-oriented can be crucial to reaching a successful outcome and receiving sufficient compensation for what was lost.



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