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California motorcycle crash data revealed

On Behalf of | Dec 5, 2022 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

Motorcycles offer riders many great benefits: ease of movement, fuel economy and freedom and a view of the road and Sonoma County landscape not everyone gets to enjoy.

But motorcycles also pose a risk. When involved in accidents, riders are left especially vulnerable to injuries.

Surprising facts regarding motorcycle crashes

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration revealed surprising data in its 2020 report on motorcycle accident fatalities.

First, an overwhelming majority (greater than 95%) of motorcycle fatalities occurred during clear or cloudy weather, with fewer than 5% occurring during stormy weather. Over 90% of all fatal accidents also took place on non-highway or interstate roads.

In California, in over 90% of all motorcycle fatalities, the rider wore a helmet, but the catastrophic nature of their crash injuries were such that the helmets did not save them. Nearly 80% of all riders involved in fatal accidents in our state were not legally intoxicated.

If you or a loved one are hurt in a motorcycle accident

Data offer little comfort if you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcycle accident. Motorcycle riders are left vulnerable to actions and negligence of others. If you are suffering physically and mentally following a motorcycle accident with a negligent driver, you do not have to suffer alone.

An attorney who advocates for injured riders can offer you advice and deal with insurance companies. You deserve to be made whole following an accident and an attorney can help, especially after a traumatic accident.



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