Two Former Prosecutors On Your Side.

More Than 60 Combined Years Of Experience In Serving The Legal Needs Of People Throughout Northern California.

Helping You Recover Compensation After A Car Accident

According to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, more than 2.4 million people in the United States were injured in auto accidents in 2015 alone. During that same year, more than 32,000 people nationwide and more than 3,100 in the state of California died as a result of injuries suffered in auto accidents.

The statistics surrounding motor vehicle accidents are staggering and despite the fact that today’s motor vehicles are safer than ever, the rate of traffic accidents and related injuries, and deaths continue to increase as drivers are more distracted than ever.

If you or a family member has been injured in a car accident, the experienced personal injury lawyers at Hansen & Miller Law Firm will help you through this difficult time.

Attorneys Monte L. Hansen and Roy E. Miller have more than 40 years of combined experience handling personal injury cases. As former prosecutors, attorneys Hansen and Miller have considerable experience resolving cases at trial or by skilled negotiation.

Get The Vigorous Representation Your Case Demands

After a car accident, our goal is to obtain the settlement you need and deserve as quickly as possible without sacrificing your rights to compensation. We understand the financial hardships that being involved in an accident can produce and work judiciously to keep your case moving forward and to achieve a positive outcome.

We investigate your accident and injury thoroughly to identify the negligent party or parties responsible for your injury. Our personal injury attorneys aggressively pursue insurance claims to seek maximum financial compensation for you and your family. If opposing counsel or the negligent party’s insurance company does not negotiate with us in good faith, we are fully prepared to protect and promote your best interests and to take your case to court.

We Are Here To Help

If you need to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney about a car crash, contact the Hansen & Miller Law Firm in Santa Rosa, California. To schedule a free consultation, call 707-387-0966 or contact us by online.