Two Former Prosecutors On Your Side.

More Than 60 Combined Years Of Experience In Serving The Legal Needs Of People Throughout Northern California.

Protecting Your Minor Child’s Rights In Juvenile Crime Cases

Your minor child’s arrest for assault, disorderly conduct, underage drinking or vandalism should not mark him or her for life. An experienced juvenile crime attorney can often make a positive difference in the outcome of a juvenile case.

Our lawyers’ backgrounds in law enforcement and prosecution may be able to benefit your family in juvenile courts. Monte L. Hansen is a former sheriff. He and Roy E. Miller are both former prosecutors. Together, they represent more than 40 years of combined experience with criminal and juvenile crime cases.

We will do everything we can to protect your son or daughter’s rights, and correct his or her course where the law is concerned. At the Hansen & Miller Law Firm, we believe in second chances. To find out more about how we can help, contact us.

Call our offices at 707-387-0966 from wherever you are in Northern California — Santa Rosa, Petaluma, Cloverdale, Cotati, Healdsburg, Rohnert Park, Sebastopol, Sonoma, Windsor and Guerneville, Ukiah, Lakeport or Calistoga.

The Hansen & Miller Law Firm — Handling Juvenile Crime Cases Since 1978

Skilled defense lawyers Monte L. Hansen and Roy E. Miller strive to protect your minor child’s rights in a wide range of juvenile crime cases, including:

We will fight hard against any effort to have your minor child tried as an adult. We can thoughtfully recommend lighter, alternative punishments that still send a message, such as diversion or detention programs. We believe in the power of rehabilitation, parental responsibility and the wisdom of our juvenile courts.

Put two former deputy district attorneys on your side. We have the decades of experience and reputation for results that may make a difference in your youngster’s life.

Reach Us Today By Phone Or Email

Contact the Hansen & Miller Law Firm for a free consultation. Our number in Santa Rosa or Sonoma County is 707-387-0966. Any after-hours message you leave will be promptly returned.